Sunday, May 4, 2008

Hi! I already have three other blogs, why do I need this one?

Well because I don't really have one that explains me and my life.

Ha! you say, isn't genealogy your life? Lately it has been for the sake of a class but it has had several constraints which does not make it as enjoyable as I would have liked. It is a family tree pruned to someone else's specifications. Not bad but out of my norm. I like the way I do my research and it is hard to conform to a standard that in my opinion has a lot of muda in it.

Anyway Outside of my fixation I have a garden, hose, car and wife and kids that need my time. I will likely be shifting most if not all of my time to those. Genealogy will probably be a Sunday thing only for a while barring some client research.

So for those of you who thought I was all genealogy, write me a question, post a snide remark, or just pay attention. Maybe you will learn something about me that shocks you.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Very nice blog hun. I can't wait to see what you do with it. Love ya.