Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I haven't made a serious attempt at putting in a vegetable garden for two years. Considering food prices and a desire to have fresh vegetables at hand, as wellas making use of the yard I had wanted since I got married this was a good time to get one going. However, I still have school classes to finish in the next couple of weeks and a car to fix. This would be a great time for a two week vacation.
I and Elizabeth have discussed what we would do nad how we would work the garden. It may be a bit much this year but the method described at http://www.foodforeveryone.org is what we are looking to do. The methods described are not strange nor expensive, but produce large yields and have worked very well with one of my inlaws who has done it last year as well as others.
If anything I want to start a real garden and care for it like it should be cared for. If nothing else I want to do this for this year.

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